Eagle Scouts

Eagle Scouts

Kits for Kids is honored by Eagle Scout candidates who have approached us and wanted to help us bring better lives to children. We have worked with three scouts, all of which have gone on to earn the rank of Eagle Scout.

Two people holding a sign that says kits for kids
A boy scout is posing for a picture with two people


Jacob was our first Eagle Scout nominee, and for his project, he raised funds and coordinated the building of 50 kits for the Massachusetts DCF in his area.

Two people standing in front of a sign that says office of health and human services


Wesley built 50 kits for Teen Boys to fulfill requirements for his Boy Scouts Eagle Project. Kits have been distributed by the Massachusetts DCF's South Central Area Office.

A man in a suit and tie stands next to a boy in a boy scout uniform


For Ryan's Eagle Scout project, he designed and executed a drive to collect over 400 items that we have used in our kits. Ryan is a wonderful young man and we can't be more thankful to him.

Latest News

A large group of people are posing for a picture in a room.
December 9, 2024
On November 18th, Kits for Kids and the Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce held an event at the Apex Center in Marlborough.

Upcoming Events

A group of people are standing around a table holding trays of food.
July 11, 2024
November 18th, 2024 - Apex Center
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